September 2019 knitting and crochet workshop with tutor Carol Meldrum - day 2

September 2019 knitting and crochet workshop with tutor Carol Meldrum - day 2

The weather this week is starting to feel a little autumnal with a chill in the air at night and early morning but warming up later in the day. The pool is still open and some of the hardier souls are in there every day. On Monday we had a full day workshop with some of the first projects finished and and pinned out to block.


In the evening went to our local Cognac producer Ludovic Egreteau for a tour of the distillery and some Cognac and Pineau sampling. We have had a very hot dry summer and the grapes are nearly ready to be harvested, picking will start in a couple of weeks. After quite a few samples we all stagger home for supper.



