Flaming June

Flaming June

This retreat has been an amazing week with temperatures soaring to the low 40's, but we still kept knitting! We have had 5 returning visitors and 3 lovely ladies from Iceland. The weather has been pretty warm, but everyone has made good use of the pool.


We made our trips out early in the week when it was a bit cooler and managed to fit in shopping in Saintes and Cognac, a trip to Chateau Otard for some cognac tasting and a visit to the market in St Jean d'Angely. The rest of the week was very relaxing.


we spent a few evenings dipping our feet in the pool at dusk


and watching lovely sunsets


in spite of all the relaxing everyone managed to knit and crochet vast amounts, I am missing a few photos for projects from Sveina and Jona, but here are some of the others


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We always seem to end up with one problem crochet pattern, this is Maggie's solution for Brenda's hat pattern......


And to finish off the week the first sunflower has just been spotted in the middle of the field at the end of the garden
